Building Blanket
Building Blanket3
Building Blanket

Building Blanket

Glass wool building blanket is manufactured in three different types as 300, 350 and 400. It is used on the slabs of non utilized attics, between the rafters of utilized attics, for horizontal applications where no load is applied, for metal and sandwich roofs.


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Application Area

  • Building blankets are rolled out on the slab when they are used for the insulation of non utilized attics.
  • Since glass wool building blanket is lightweight, it is easy to take it up to the roof and to cut to be applied.
  • Owing to the characteristics of glass wool, it doesn’t get ripped during application.
  • If can be applied easily with no waste pieces and each piece can be utilized.
  • It can be adjusted to any type of roof.
  • In order to reduce the condensation risk in winter and to discharge the overheated air in the attic, upper part of the insulation should be kept ventilated.
  • The rolls should not be covered over by nylon or similar type of covers.
  • Aluminium foil faced building blankets should be rolled on in the manner that the foiled face will be on the heated side.

Material Safety Forms


Technical Specifications

Proporties Symbol Unit Description Tolerance Standard
Material Type - - 400 * 350 300    
Material - - Glass Wool - TS EN 13162
Declared Thermal Conductivity (10 °C) ʎ D W/m.K 0.043 0.040 0.036 - TS EN 12667/12939
Width w mm 1200 +/-1,5% TS EN 822
Lenght l mm 10000 8000 6000 5000 +/-2% TS EN 822
Thickness t mm 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 T1 ** TS EN 823
Facing - - Unfaced Al-foil - -
Reaction to fire - - A1 C-s1,d0 - TS EN 13501-1
Thermal Resistance 400 D m².K/W - 2.30 2.75 3.25 - - - - TS EN 13162
350 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
300 2.20 2.75 3.30 3.85 4.40 5.00 5.55
Specific Heat*** c kJ/(kg.K) 0.84 - EN 12524
Water Vapor Diffusion Resistance Coefficient *** µ - 1 NPD - TS EN 12086
Dynamic Elasticity *** Edyn kN/m² 0,8 - DIN 52214
Packaging Material - - PE Film - -
Other Information Maximum service temperature on the side faced with aluminium foil is 90 °C.

* 80 mm thickness blanket for type 400, is not available

** T1: -5% or -5 mm, the biggest value is chosen at minus tolerance.

**** Declaration of licensor for equivalent products of İzocam.