Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers (TTMD) that we are a member of continues to offer its 2020-2021 trainings in digital environment in February. The topic of the last session we are among the supporters of as Izocam is “Cooling Tower in Industry / Heat Exchangers / Water Quality in Evaporative Condensers”. You can register from the link below to join the webinar that will take place at Thursday, February 25th between 02:00PM-03:00PM: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5389994428915529232
You can access the Webinars which we are among the supporters of as Izocam and whose program content updates weekly from the Event Calendar on https://www.ttmd.org.tr/anasayfa. We remind you that you need to register before the event by clickling the registration link on the page for related Webinar.